Case Study Projects
Case Study :: Barwon Valley Smallgoods
If your logo doesn’t mean anything to you and is difficult to use, then it’s time for a change.


Barwon Valley Smallgoods was an existing business purchased originally by two partners in 2015. Both were butchers, one had a vision and passion to create new ham and small good varieties, the other was happy to keep being a traditional butcher.
In 2015 Barwon Valley Smallgoods won a prestigious award for one of their hams. This pushed them to do some marketing which lead them to Brown Ink Design.
They had just won a prestigious award this needed to be promoted, the Christmas rush was approaching quickly. We wanted people to know Barwon Valley Smallgoods had won an award and the best place to do this is when the customer is purchasing.
Top of the list was photography, once this was sorted we began designing posters and counter displays which would remind customers of the award. Once we had a sizeable photo library we could then design and build a new website.
Once the Christmas rush died down in late 2016 we began looking at a new logo which better represented the direction of the business.
After the initial rush the business got very business and eventually the business partners separated and the partner with the vision and passion for creating premium ham products took over. He reconnected with Brown Ink and the focus on the marketing and brand including the design of a new logo continued in 2018.
Overall the photography and marketing material has lifted the visibility of the brand, the photography conveys a product of considerable premium focus. The new logo is much more user friendly which has reduced the printing costs and allowed for the logo to be successfully reproduced in many mediums included embroidery.
We still have a number of areas which are still in development which include product labels, van signage and packaging.