Jel’s Preserves is a start up business. Jayne the owner of Jel’s Preserves has a real passion for preserving. After years of making jams, marmalades and chutney she decided it was time to go commercial. The interesting aspect to this job is the quantity or lack of quantity Jayne makes of each variety. Her products are truly hand made and hand crafted.

We wanted the labels to reflect the artistic nature of the products, the labels also needed to adapt to new varieties. Jayne keeps adding to the range trying and testing new recipes as ideas come into her head. So far the products have been well received, they are only available in a very select group of retail shops.


  • Colour. 4 colour process
  • Printing. Digital Printing
  • Lid Stock. Pre-cut Circle A4 sheet
  • Wrap Label. Adestor Cast Gloss Solid Back
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